See the World through Europe’s eyes.
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Inspiring reporting from a variety of trusted sources.
Tailored to your preferences: topics and places.
Beautiful reading experience, flawless translations.
New perspectives, endless discoveries.
What users say.
"The design is very clean and 100% for reading. I love to read news without any distractions."
Nisar, Reims - France.
"Excellent idea. Excellent software. Excellent interface. Amazing graphics and design."
Rodrigo, Frankfurt - Germany.
"My favorite thing! Amazing overview of stories from all across Europe."
Claudia, Sorrento - Italy.
"Great usability and overview of the different articles. Easy to navigate."
Florian, Munich - Germany.
"We need relevant news - but not just from one perspective. Kompreno widens my horizon."
Bal, Nottingham - United Kingdom.
"I am fascinated by how well the translations work. Really great."
Lukas, Pforzheim - Germany.
"In my eyes, journalistically impeccable."
Wolfgang, Langen - Germany.
Rested, profound, inspiring.
Kompreno provides a constantly evolving mix of independent journalism from national papers of record, specialised magazines and community projects:
- international business and politics,
- sustainability and digital society,
- culture and arts.
Semantic language technology provides flawless translations from major European languages, powerful personalisation and endless, exiting discoveries.